Monday, April 27, 2020

4/27/2020 Telehealth St. Jude

We had a good telemedicine visit with the St. Jude Clinic in Hsv today. They said that the cyst on her left ovary was gone. The one on her right is still there, but no change in size so will continue to monitor.  We talked about the course of treatment. St Jude in Memphis is recommending no surgery. The medical board at Huntsville Hospital still recommends surgery. We asked to meet with Dr. Pappau, the lead tumor expert on Kaylee's St. Jude Memphis team to discuss their treatment plan. We discussed our feelings of frustration on being torn with Dr. Daves. We all agreed a 3rd opinion may be the direction we take. There are other highly respected children's hospitals in the US that specialize in carcinoid tumors. A few that we discussed include; Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, Children's Hospital(s) in Boston, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Iowa City. Since there is no hurry to do this surgery and we are taking this time to conduct further research and consult with additional experts.

Several have asked, How is Kaylee feeling now? In her words she feels great! During this pandemic (besides hanging out with her parents) she is occupying her time learning how to play the ukulele, baking/cooking, kicking around the soccer ball, biking, helping/learning about home maintenance, and of course the infamous tic tok! We have our moments, but overall we are enjoying this time together as a family.

Yesterday Kaylee made her first cake! 3 layer Lemon, from scratch icing! It was delicious! So proud of the this girl! 13 is almost here!

Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20/2020 Scan

Today Kaylee goes for a scan of her overaies. Results will be reviewed in our next Telehealth visit with St. Jude.