Tuesday, April 27, 2021

St. Jude Visit

We made our way to St. Jude last Thursday and Friday. Kaylee had bloodwork Thursday and then several appointments Friday. We got a phone call from St. Jude while we were in route to Memphis and the lady happened to ask if Kaylee had braces (she didn't have them the last time we were there). They said Kaylee had to have the wire removed from her braces before the MRI. Luckily, the St. Jude dentist was available to remove it first thing Friday morning. We stopped and ate lunch in Germantown with Amanda and Jeremy at The Commissary (great BBQ). Then Kaylee had her bloodwork done at St. Jude.

Friday morning was busy. Saw the dentist first and got the wire removed. Then, Kaylee went to imaging where she found out she would have an IV. They originally told us she would not need one. When she heard she had to have an IV she said "OK I'll take it like a champ". Then came the long wait to meet with the doctor and hear the results of the MRI. This part was a little stressful as it took a while to get the results back. 

But, she received great news! The MRI looked good. There was no sign of cancer. Dr. Murphy wants to keep a close eye on how her reconstructed ovary is healing and has asked us to come back in 6 months. He also asked us to follow up with Kaylee's oncologist at St. Jude in Huntsville. All in all, a very good visit!

Kaylee refers to the scrubs as her Gucci pants.

Visiting the St. Jude Dentist

The Champ getting her IV

The reward for such a busy morning was sushi.
Their food is good!

Friday, April 16, 2021

04/16/2021 St. Jude Follow-Up Visit

This April 22nd and 23rd, we will make a short trip to Memphis for Kaylee's 6 month follow-up. She will have some blood work, an MRI, and a visit with her doctor, Dr. Murphy. Only one parent is allowed at a time on campus (due to Covid) but they have given us the go ahead to stay off campus in a local hotel so we can all three go up there together. Kaylee is nervous about this visit. She said every time she gets new scans she has to have another surgery. We have learned that we never know what is going to happen but are very hopeful that she gets the all clear this visit.

Kaylee's most recent soccer pics

Kaylee finished her middle school soccer season recently. Her MMS team came in second in the county. She is looking forward to playing high school soccer for Sparkman High next year. She has her 14th birthday coming up and we have some vacation plans for the summer. We are all looking forward to good things in 2021!